With the beginning of the so-called “phase 2” Acimga, the Italian association representing machines manufacturers of the printing, converting, and packaging industry, has launched a national and international adv campaign to support the sector. “Not close, but still together” is the campaign’s title, which emphasizes in a just a few lines the excellence of Italian machines, the crucial role that this industry holds in essential supply chains (food and pharma), and, above all, recalls the teamwork effort that the sector has always carried out and that has made Italy one of the world’s largest manufacturers and technologies exporters. A real “Manifesto” for our proud identity, but also a thank you message to all those who work in our industry.
Acimga hasn’t stop here. To support machine manufacturers, we also re-invented the international event that brings together the printing, converting, and packaging supply chain every year. Print4All Conference – Future Factory has become a streaming event (on June 24, with preview on May 18, https://conference.print4all.it/en) but it has strengthened its focus on the fundamental topics of sustainability and industry 4.0, with the precious visions of international guests, opening a window on the future of the whole supply chain.
“In the first phase of the coronavirus’s emergency – explains Acimga’s General Manager Andrea Briganti – we focused mainly on the communication towards our members, with a dedicated Help Desk and the opening of a direct line with the institutions. Now we need to think about restarting. Although many companies in our sector remained open during lockdown – because they were linked to essential services – the actual operations of those companies were still limited due to Covid-19. That’s why we have created this simple but effective campaign, both in Italian and English, to remind everyone of what we represent and that we will continue to be: an excellence in the field, working together for the supply chain. Not only a communication service, but that of raising awareness of stakeholders, both institutional and market ones, to clearly state that Italy hasn’t stopped and it’s ready to offer its technological solutions, just as before. In the meantime, the printing and converting community will join forces at Print4All Conference – Future Factory on June 24 and at the May 18 preview.”