Acimga listens to the community and verticalizes its activities in various technologies
Rotogravure’s technology is a national excellence, historically rooted in Italy, where a strong know-how – from cylinder engravers to machine manufacturers – gives Italy some of the best skills and knowledge in the whole world.
The Italian Rotogravure Group was founded by Acimga to promote this printing technology with graphic designers and brand owners; to carry out training courses to give all the necessary skills to staff; to establish a technical table of discussion on national and European regulations impacting on rotogravure; to discuss the innovations which can apply to this technology; and to create an annual event involving all the main figures within the supply chain.
The group’s activites:
- Set industry guidelines for rotogroup
- Specific professional training
- Techinical roud table on national and European regulations
- Technologies innovation observatory
- Industrial lobbying
- Yearly event Involving the entire industry
- Press and communication office
Corrugated cardboard machines manufacturers are a deep-rooted Italian production industry, highly appreciated all over the world. The Corrugated Cardboard Group aims at spreading the best of the Made by Italy technologies in the field, promoting industrial knowledge.
The Flexo Development Group was founded with the goal of promoting a “niche” segment of excellence: Italy is the second country in the world in exports of flexographic printing machines, with 161 million euros, (for a market share of 13.3%). Among the countries that import the largest quantities of flexo machines are the United States, with an estimated export of 175 million euros in 2026 (from 152 in 2022) and Turkey (77 million euros expected in 2026, from 54 in 2022). In 2022 flexo international trade experienced a real boom, marking a + 17%, with a positive trend of moderate growth that is estimated to continue until 2026, with a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of + 3.9%.